Missing Unity Engine Icon Graffiti Terror
This is a: Game.
Type project: Commercial game.
Team project: No.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC.
Date: April-2022 - on going.

Gameplay teaser of my own Quake clone.

This is my solo project that has been in the works for about four years. Heavily inspired by Tony Hawk, but with a different gimmick: instead of skating, you spray graffiti. The game also becomes more violent over time. This is my most ambitious project yet, and my goal is to release this game within two years.

Missing Unity Engine Icon Quake clone - Side project.
This is a: Game.
Type project: Quake clone prototype.
Team project: No.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC.
Date: Shelved on March-2022.

Gameplay tease of my own Quake clone.

For more than a year, I have worked on a Quake clone in my free time next to school/work. This game is a prototype that has a small level, 3 different enemy types, a start on 4 different guns, health/ammo items, trigger systems, traps, secrets and more! My main highlight is the combat sections that lets you fight against two waves of enemies (seen in this GIF). 

Missing Unreal Engine Icon Robot WipeOut! - Unreal Engine 4.
This is a: Game.
Type project: Multiple prototype games in 8 weeks.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unreal Engine 4, Blueprints.
Target Platform: PlayStation 4
Date: 27 January 2021

Gif of Gameplay of Robot WipeOut!

As a gameplay programmer, I have worked on 3 different prototype games before this game became: "Robot WipeOut". Most of my melee combat code has been used for the final game. For this project, we made small strike teams between 3-6 people per prototype to test what might be fun for the final product.

Missing Icon picture! OpenGL 3.0 C++ - Graphics course
This is a: Game.
Type project: Graphics demo.
Team project: No.
Made with: OpenGL 3.0, C++.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 23 August 2020.

Demo of the game: WOONopoly!

To better understand OpenGL, I have followed an online course about OpenGL. Thanks to this course, I made a small graphics demo. 

Missing Icon picture! WOONopoly
This is a: Game.
Type project: Internship.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 2019.

Demo of the game: WOONopoly!

On my internship at BlewScreen in 2019, I have worked on the game: WOONopoly. This is a Monopoly type of game about renting houses. Your goal is to have the best living conditions. For this project, I have worked a lot with Unity, its UI system. I also made a custom character creator.

Missing Icon picture! Skypeak - Make a Thon 2017
This is a: Game.
Type project: Game Jam Competition.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 05 August 2017.

Main Menu of the game Skypeak!

Many years ago, I attended a school competition with my team to create the best game or website in 60 hours! We also won this competition! We created Skypeak. This is a hack and slash/point and click game. When you are not fighting, you have to point and click through the world to find quests. When you interact with an enemy, you teleport into an FPS swordfight level!

Missing Unity Engine Icon Graffiti Terror
This is a: Game.
Type project: Commercial game.
Team project: No.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC.
Date: April-2022 - on going.

Gameplay teaser of my own Quake clone.

This is my solo project that has been in the works for about four years. Heavily inspired by Tony Hawk, but with a different gimmick: instead of skating, you spray graffiti. The game also becomes more violent over time. This is my most ambitious project yet, and my goal is to release this game within two years.

Missing Unity Icon Harry Potter fan game.
This is a: Game.
Type project: Fan game.
Team project: No.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC.
Date: September-2022, shelves on: October-2022

Gameplay tease of my own Harry Potter clone.

This is a fan game that is heavily inspired by the original first two PC games. This project is still on going and its webpage will get updated over time.

Missing Unreal Engine Icon Quake clone - Side project.
This is a: Game.
Type project: Quake clone prototype.
Team project: No.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC.
Date: Shelved on March-2022.

Gameplay tease of my own Quake clone.

For more than a year, I have worked on a Quake clone in my free time next to school/work. This game is a prototype that has a small level, 3 different enemy types, a start on 4 different guns, health/ammo items, trigger systems, traps, secrets and more! My main highlight is the combat sections that lets you fight against two waves of enemies (seen in this GIF). 

Missing Icon picture! WOONopoly
This is a: Game.
Type project: Internship.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 2019.

Demo of the game: WOONopoly!

On my internship at BlewScreen in 2019, I have worked on the game: WOONopoly. This is a Monopoly type of game about renting houses. Your goal is to have the best living conditions. For this project, I have worked a lot with Unity, its UI system. I also made a custom character creator.

Missing Icon picture! Doom(2016)-like AI project
This is a: Game.
Type project: AI Experiment.
Team project: No.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 14 February 2019 + revisited in 2021!

Image of my Doom-like Ai Test level.

I wanted to create a small shooter where I could try to create enemies that act a bit like the enemies from the Doom 2016 reboot. I have not created any great form of AI at that time that did more than just following the player and shoot the player. In this game, they run around and choose to chase the player, run away or climb on obstacles.

Missing Icon picture! Sync-Corp - Make a Thon 2018
This is a: Game.
Type project: Game Jam Competition.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 2018.

Gameplay the game Sync-Corp!

This Make a Thon year, I worked on Syn-Corp. This is a Sci-Fi shooter. My tasks were to create levels, tweak the game its visuals, add some music and optimize the game whereas possible.

Missing Icon picture! BBQ & Co
This is a: Game.
Type project: School assignment.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 22 October 2017.

Gameplay loop of BBQ & Co.

This is a simple BBQ game with two levels. You need to satisfy your customers by cooking food. This game was made within 8 weeks together with another teammate. 

Missing Icon picture! Skypeak - Make a Thon 2017
This is a: Game.
Type project: Game Jam Competition.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unity, C#.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 05 August 2017.

Main Menu of the game Skypeak!

Many years ago, I attended a school competition with my team to create the best game or website in 60 hours! We also won this competition! We created Skypeak. This is a hack and slash/point and click game. When you are not fighting, you have to point and click through the world to find quests. When you interact with an enemy, you teleport into an FPS swordfight level!

Missing Icon picture! OpenGL 3.0 C++ - Graphics course
This is a: Game.
Type project: Graphics demo.
Team project: No.
Made with: OpenGL 3.0, C++.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 23 August 2020.

Demo of the game: WOONopoly!

To better understand OpenGL, I have followed an online course about OpenGL. Thanks to this course, I made a small graphics demo. 

Missing Icon picture! Space game on the Raspberry Pi 3!
This is a: Game.
Type project: First experience on console development.
Team project: No.
Made with: Custom OpenGLES 2.0 C++ Framework.
Target Platform: Raspberry Pi 3.
Date: 13 April 2020

A full overview on my space game for the RaspBerry Pi 3!

On my third block of the first year on "Breda University of Applied Sciences", I have made a Raspberry Pi 3 game in a custom OpenGLES 2.0 C++ framework to get a similar experience on how it is like to make games on a console.

The game needed to contain: Outside flying section, a ship docking section and a walkable indoor section.

Missing Icon picture! My first Ray tracer
This is a: Graphics experiment.
Type project: Graphics/Math assignment.
Team project: No.
Made with: C++, no STD or Graphics API was allowed.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 24 January 2020.

Image of my RayTracer

This was an extremely hard first year school assignment. Our assignment was to create a ray tracer so that we understand vector math so fast as possible. We were not allowed to use the standard C++ library and any graphics library. We were allowed to change the provided Vector2 class into a Vector3 class and use that.

Missing Icon picture! The Archipelago Promise
This is a: Game.
Type project: AAA game team project experience.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unreal Engine 5, C++, Blueprints.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 2023-2023

Teaser of The Archipelago Promise.

This game is a mixture of survival/sailing. I have supported my team as a gameplay/AI programmer.

Missing Icon picture! Alien Removal Division
This is a: Game.
Type project: AAA game team project experience.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unreal Engine, Blueprints.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 2021-2022.

Teaser of ARD.

This project is about my third-year school project that I made together with my team of 30 people to create one game during the whole school year. This assignment was made for us to experience how it is like to work on a triple-AAA game.

Missing Icon picture! Sugar Blast!
This is a: Game.
Type project: Optimization/Bug fixing/Play testing.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unreal Engine 4, Blueprints.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 2 July 2021.

GIF of gameplay from Sugarblast.

This block was all about fixing bugs, optimization and play testing. I spent most of my time on play testing. I have helped the art team by making more optimized shaders, and I have fixed some bugs. Furthermore, I also helped my team to implement the graphics settings menu.

Missing Unreal Engine Icon Robot WipeOut! - Unreal Engine 4.
This is a: Game.
Type project: Multiple prototype games in 8 weeks.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unreal Engine 4, Blueprints.
Target Platform: PlayStation 4
Date: 27 January 2021

Gif of Gameplay of Robot WipeOut!

As a gameplay programmer, I have worked on 3 different prototype games before this game became: "Robot WipeOut". Most of my melee combat code has been used for the final game. For this project, we made small strike teams between 3-6 people per prototype to test what might be fun for the final product.

Missing Icon picture! Uncle Lovecraft's Fun Time Murder Hole!
This is a: Game.
Type project: School assignment.
Team project: Yes.
Made with: Unreal Engine 4, BluePrints.
Target Platform: PC
Date: 01 Juli 2020.

Demo of the game: Uncle Lovecraft's Fun Time Murder Hole!

While the Covid-19 pandemic just started, I worked together with my team on this game. This game is about a cultist that needs to feed the beast with alive people. To do this, you need to throw people inside a big pit. Dead people don't count, so make sure you don't kill them and feed them alive to the beast.

Moon easter egg.